
  1. Pitfalls to Building Community in Commercial Climbing Gyms

    Pitfalls to Building Community in Commercial Climbing Gyms

    Whether you’re looking for a better workout plan, blowing off steam, or you just think that climbing is fun, every person has their own reasons for climbing.

  2. Why Chris Sharma Loves TRUBLUE Auto Belays

    Why Chris Sharma Loves TRUBLUE Auto Belays

    There’s a good chance that is not the first word that pops into your head when you think about auto belays. One argument that we hear from gym owners against using auto belays is that they are counter-productive to building a tight-knit climbing community. But that’s not the way that pro climber and gym owner Chris Sharma sees it.

  3. Technology to Improve the Accessibility of Your Facility

    Technology to Improve the Accessibility of Your Facility

    2x Paraclimbing World Champion, Maureen “Mo” Beck, explains how the catch-and-hold feature of iQ+ can help make training more accessible to more climbers.

  4. The Role of Auto Belays in Self-Care

    The Role of Auto Belays in Self-Care

    Even for an expert climber and adventurer like Sara Aranda, stepping into a climbing gym can be an intimidating experience. In her recent article, she reflects on the role that auto belays play in creating a more diverse, inclusive, and accessible climbing community.

  5. Auto Belays Encourage More Students to Try Your Campus Rec Climbing Wall

    Auto Belays Encourage More Students to Try Your Campus Rec Climbing Wall

    Campus rec centers and their student members have the ability to get more out of their climbing wall with auto belays. Auto belays are a proactive climbing tool that grants beginners the opportunity to get on the wall without prior knowledge safely.

  6. 5 Ways Auto Belays Can Build a Stronger Climbing Community

    5 Ways Auto Belays Can Build a Stronger Climbing Community

    What does it mean to have a strong climbing community? In this blog five climbing gyms share how auto belays help create and foster resilient climbing communities.

  7. How to Use an Auto Belay: Step by Step Instructions

    How to Use an Auto Belay: Step by Step Instructions

    The proper use of an auto belay is simple, but as with everything in climbing, it is important to avoid learning bad habits and build the right ones from the start.

  8. What is Adventure Tourism?

    What is Adventure Tourism?

    As travelers seek new and different experiences, adventure tourism continues to grow in popularity. Find your next adventure and get inspired.

  9. Expert Advice on Learning How to Lead Climb in the Gym

    Expert Advice on Learning How to Lead Climb in the Gym

    Take a private climbing lesson with Chris Wall on how to lead climb, including tips for learning to lead climb with the help of TRUBLUE Auto Belays.

  10. Tips for Taking a Beginner Rock Climbing (AKA Getting Your Friends Hooked on Climbing)

    Tips for Taking a Beginner Rock Climbing (AKA Getting Your Friends Hooked on Climbing)

    You finish climbing, head out for dinner together, and your friend is now gushing about how much fun they had climbing. You’ve set the hook, and now it’s time to reel them in.

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